Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal

pISSN 1225-7117 eISSN 2288-8268

Instructions to Authors

Home Authors Instructions for Authors


Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal (KSBB Journal) is a domestic Quarterly journal published March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31 each year by the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineeringy. It was first launched as Korean Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering in 1987 and was changed into KSBBJ in 2009. KSBBJ officially indexed in KCI is devoted to the original and novel findings in the wide area of biotechnology and bioengineering. The editors appreciate contributions relevant to basic and applied research of biotechnology and bioengineering. Contributions are classified as research articles, reviews and commentaries. Manuscripts should report new and significant findings that advance the understanding of applied biology & biochemistry, molecular biology & biomolecular engineering, biocatalysis & biotransformation, combinatorial chemistry, microbiology & metabolic engineering, pharmaceutics & biomaterials, bio- process control & system engineering, bioseparation, biosensor & bioelectronics, cell culture engineering, environmental biotechnology, food technology, nanobiotechnology, cosmetic science and engineering, and education of biotechnology and biochemical engineering.


Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. All papers will be critically read by two reviewers who will be selected for their competence in the subject of matter of the paper. KSBBJ encourages the electronic submission of the manuscripts via on-line submission system (http://www.ksbb.or.kr). The cover letter for submission should include names and addresses of authors, the manuscript title, e-mail address and the phone/fax numbers of the corresponding author, and a brief statement upon the significance of the submitted article. Submitting manuscript can be supplied as an attached file, which is prepared by a popular word processor. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on A4 format. In addition, authors should provide a list of two potential reviewers (name/e-mail), none of whom should be affiliated with the authors institution(s).


For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, international standards for editors and authors can be applied (https://publicationethics.org/resources/resources-and-further-reading/international-standards-editors-and-authors).


Manuscripts to KSBBJ must be original research articles, invited or submitted Review or commentaries which have not been published previously, and are not being considered for publication by other journals. Whole or a part of the text and illustrations should not be published elsewhere without permission. Original raw data must be available for review by the editorial board if required. All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission to KSBBJ and are responsible for the whole content, including litera- literature citations and acknowledgements, and must have agreed that the corresponding author has the authority to act on their behalf on all matters pertaining to publication of the paper. When a paper is published in KSBBJ, it is understood that authors have agreed that KSBBJ has the rights to protect the manuscript from misappropriation of their work.


Research articles are research reports of new findings. These papers should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages of text (not including the title and reference pages) and contain a precise description and interpretation of research. Reviews are critical assessments of relevant topics of contemporary interest. These papers should not exceed 50 double-spaced pages of text. commentaries follow research articles guidelines.


Title Page

The title page of the article should be followed in the order of title, the authors’s name and affiliations, and the full correspondence address including telephone, fax, e-mail, etc. The main title should be concise, descriptive, and informative to the subject of manuscript and should not exceed more than 150 characters.

Abstract and Keywords

Provide an abstract which states concisely the objectives and the results of the paper in not more than 250 words. It must be a brief and factual account of contents, conclusions, and relevance of the findings with an emphasis on what readers will gain from the manuscript. Do not cite any reference in the abstract. A list of 4-6 keywords for a subject index should be included on this page.

Text Body

  • 1.
    The recommended format and the capitalization styles of major headings are as follows: Abstract, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, Acknowledgements, and REFERENCES. In case of Education of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering, INTRODUCTION and MATERIALS AND METHODS can be replaced by THEORETICAL BACKGROUND and RESEARCH METHODS, respectively.
  • 2.
    Leave a space between word and parenthesis. Special words of Latin or French origin should be in italic (e.g., in vitro and et al.).
  • 3.
    References to published work should be indicated at the appropriate place using brackets (e.g., [2,6-8]), numbered consecutively, and a list of references in numerical order should be provided at the end of the manuscript.
  • 4.
    Sources of materials and instruments should be clearly presented together with the names of the appropriate cities and countries
  • 5.
    Units: The SI system should be used for all dimensional quantities. Leave a space between numbers and units except and % (e.g., 40 mg/L, 50% and 10 h).
  • 6.
    Equations and symbols: Main symbols used in equations and text should be in italic. Superscripts and subscripts should not(e.g., Deff, kLa, Yx/s). Equations must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers.
  • 7.
    Tables: Type each table on a separate sheet of paper. The table title should have the first letter of the first word capitalized. Details of all necessary additional information can be included in the table footnotes. Preferred font is Arial or Times New Roman with 10 or 12 pt. Table should not contain vertical linings and the captions should be understandable without referring the text.
  • 8.
    Figures: Graphs, figures, and other illustrations should be drawn on separate sheets of paper. The uniformity in size of the figures should be maintained carefully. KSBBJ encourages both gray and color illustration as JP(E)G and TIFF/EPS files. Use 600 dpi/1200 dpi for illustrations for better clarity. When a figure consists of more than one plot, designate each plot as (a), (b), (c), etc. on the upper left-hand side of the plot and refer to it in the text as Fig. 4(a), Fig. 4(b), etc. All figures and lettering must be of a size which remain legible after a 50% reduction of the original. In the figure caption, only the first letter of the first word in each sentence should be capitalized. Photographs will be accepted if essential to the paper, though an additional charge will be levied. A list of figure captions including explanations of legends should be supplied on a separated sheet at the end of the manuscript.


All references in this list should be cited at some point in the text, and vice versa. Abbreviate the journal titles as in Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts. References should be presented in the following style:

  • 1.
    Journal Articles
    Choi, H. S., G. C. Kim, and H. J. Shin (2012) Comparison of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities by different extraction methods in korean bamboos. KSBB J. 27: 131-135.
  • 2.

    Sambrook, J., E. Fritsch, and T. Maniatis (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed., pp. 23-38. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA.

  • 3.
    Edited Books

    Hamer, G. (1985) Chemical engineering and biotechnology. pp. 356-368. In: I. J. Higgins, D. J. Best, and J. Jones (eds.). Bio-technology: Principles and Applications. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK.

  • 4.

    Meyer, H. P., H. J. Kuhn, S.W. Brown, and A. Fiechter (1984) Production of human leucocyte interferon by E. coil. Proceedings of 3rd European Congress on Biotechnology. September 10-14. Munich, Germany.

  • 5.

    Han, K. (1992) A Study of Acetic Acid Formation in Escherichia coli Fermentation. Ph.D. Thesis. University of California, Irvine, CA, USA.

  • 6.

    Prudden, J. F. (1977) Method and agent for treating inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. US Patent 4,006,224.

  • 7.
    Web URL

    Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Submission of manuscript. http://ksbb.or.kr.(2010).

Note: Manuscripts in which references are not in this format will be returned without review.


Reviews are critical assessments of relevant topics of contemporary interest. Reviews should have a short title and descriptive subtitles. It should present novel ideas and interpretations of established observations. These papers should not exceed 50 doublespaced pages of text. Review articles are commissioned by the editor and author’s desire to submit review articles should consult with the Editor beforehand. Reviews should have a title page, abstract, and references in the same style as Research Articles. The main body should be sectioned at the author’s discretion.


All manuscripts are treated as confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers selected by the editor and associate editors. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor’s decision to accept, reject, or request revision of manuscripts. When the final revised manuscript is completely acceptable according to the KSBBJ format and criteria, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue. Rejected papers will not be peer-reviewed again.


Please check each of the following items prior to submission of a manuscript.

  • □ The manuscript was prepared double-spaced on A4 format.
  • □ Telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • □ Title (within 150 characters), Abstracts (within 250 words), and Keywords.
  • □ Species names in the title were not abbreviated.
  • □ All Tables (including title, description, footnotes) and Figures (separated from figure legends) are provided in a single file with main text for initial submission.
  • □ All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa.

Office for Submission of Manuscripts and Subscription

KSBB Journal is published and distributed biomonthly by the Korean Society for Biotechnology & Bioengineering. All correspondence related to the subscription should be addressed to the head office the Society.

Seocho Doosan We’ve #201, 5, Gangnam-daero 39-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06735, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-556-2164 / Fax: +82-2-557-2164
E-mail: ksbb@ksbb.or.kr
Homepage : http://www.ksbb.or.kr


The publication fee is 30,000 KRW per final publication page not including acknowledgments. If it includes the acknowledgements, publication fee is 40,000 KRW per page. For color printings, 150,000 KRW per color page is additionally charged to authors. The publication cost is subjected to change according to the society’s financial situation.

Current Issue

December 2024 Volume 39, No.4

Most Read

Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal
pISSN 1225-7117 eISSN 2288-8268