pISSN 1225-7117 eISSN 2288-8268

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Fig. 6. Mechanical properties of monofilament. (A) tensile strength, (B) elongation; CC: commercial chitosan, GC5: 5% G. lucidum chitosan in monofilament, GC10: 10% G. lucidum chitosan in monofilament, PC5: 5% P. ostreatus chitosan in monofilament, PC10: 10% P. ostreatus chitosan in monofilament, SC5: 5% S. commune chitosan in monofilament, SC10: 10% S. commune chitosan in monofilament. The statistical analysis of each group was performed through LSD test in R. p-value: Student's t-test p < 0.05. LSD: least significant difference.
Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024;39:1~8 https://doi.org/10.7841/ksbbj.2024.39.1.1
© Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering