Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal

pISSN 1225-7117 eISSN 2288-8268


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Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2012; 27(3): 172-176

Published online June 30, 2012

Copyright © Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering.

지질과 phycobiliproteins 고생산성 Arthrospira platensis 변이주 분리

Isolation of Arthrospira platensis Mutants Producing High Lipid and Phycobiliproteins

김영화(신라대학교 제약공학과), 이재화(신라대학교 제약공학과)


In this study, microalgae Arthrospira platensis (A. platensis) mutants induced by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) and further selection for resistance of cerulenin, a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthase, were characterized. The mutants selected by $2{\mu}M$, $5{\mu}M$ and $10{\mu}M$ of cerulenin were designated EC2, EC5 and EC10, respectively. Under normal growth conditions, the mutants and parental strain exhibited similar growth pattern. The mutants of A. platensis showed enhanced lipid accumulation and phycobiliproteins (phycoerythrin, phycocyanin). The lipid content of mutants EC2 and EC5 was about 4.4 and 4.8-fold higher than wild type. The phycoerythrin and phycocyanin content of mutants EC2 and EC5 was increased about 1.5 and 6.9-fold and 1.4 and 3.8-fold, respectively, compared to the wild type. The chlorophyll and carotenoid content of mutants was slightly increased. The high lipid and pigment contents exhibited by A. platensis mutants would make an excellent candidate for the production of commercially interesting biologically active compounds.

Keywords: microalgae, Arthrospira platensis, mutants, lipid, phycobiliproteins