Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal

pISSN 1225-7117 eISSN 2288-8268

Review Paper 31 December 2024

Herceptin and its Biosimilars

Hyewon Yang and Seong Soo A. An* Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024; 39: 111-118
Currently, with the advent of protein and cell therapy, new drug drugs are largely divided into synthetic drugs and biopharmaceuticals, and biopharmaceuticals are composed of proteins, cells, or nucleic acids, and are sensitive to minute changes such as temperature, moisture, and vibration in the production and distribution process, so it is important to maintain safety and effectiveness. Biopharmaceuticals have a long period of preclinical, clinical, and approval from the patent application, so...
Key Words: biosimilar, biopharmaceuticals, trastuzumab, herceptin, FDA approved, breast cancer, gastric cancer, efficacy, safety, generic drugs, biological equivalence

Research Paper 31 December 2024

Effect of Light Wavelength on Cell Growth and Carotenoid Production in Freshwater Green Microalga, Tetradesmus reginae

Sun-Woo Hong, Seong-Joo Hong, Hyeon-jong Ji et al. Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024; 39: 119-127
This study aimed to examine the effect of light wavelength on cell growth and carotenoid production in the freshwater green microalga Tetradesmus reginae during cultivation in bubble column photobioreactors (multi-cultivators) under different light colors (450 nm, blue; 660 nm, red; and CW5700K, white). The microalga cultured under white light showed the fastest specific cell growth rate (1.19 ± 0.00 /day) and highest fresh cell concentration (9.04 ± 0.01 g/L) on day 6. Next, the m...
Key Words: Tetradesmus, microalgae, carotenoid, light wavelength, photobioreactor

Research Paper 31 December 2024

Evaluation of Docking Simulation Platforms for Predicting Incorporation Efficiency of Non-Canonical Amino Acids

Yeojin Ko, Tae Wan Kim, and Jong-il Choi Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024; 39: 128-135
This study evaluated the docking simulation platforms for the incorporation of amber-suppression tRNA synthetase and non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs). Recombinant Escherichia coli harboring mutant green fluorescence proteins and orthogonal amber-suppression tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair was cultivated with different ncAAs, and the fluorescence and growth were measured. For molecular docking simulation of synthetase and each ncAA, three different platforms were used and the binding affinity predicti...
Key Words: molecular docking, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, non-canonical amino acids, gfp expression

Research Paper 31 December 2024

Production of Agarase Using Yeast Artificial Chromosome and Cellular Physiological Analysis

Min-Jun Seong and Yeon-Hee Kim Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024; 39: 136-144
Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) with expression clusters of three genes (AGAH71, AGAG1, and NABH558) responsible for agar degradation were constructed using chromosome manipulation technique. The three agar-degrading genes were stably introduced into chromosome II of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, confirming efficient production and secretion of various agarases. For efficient chromosome manipulation, each splitting fragment (DNA module) was transformed, and yeast chromosome II (825 kb...
Key Words: chromosome manipulation, yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), agarase, mitotic stability, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Research Paper 31 December 2024

Factors Affecting the Primary Stability of Abso-Anchor Orthodontic Mini-implants

Hadeel Al-Ohali, Behdad Bahrani, Tala Maragha et al. Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024; 39: 145-154
The use of mini implants (MIs) in orthodontic treatment is expanding. However, evidence on the factors contributing to the primary stability (PS) of MIs remains lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of MI diameter, length, and bone type on the MIs’ PS. Methods: One hundred and eight AbsoAnchor MIs, consisting of three lengths (6mm, 8mm, 10mm) and three diameters (1.5 mm, 1.7mm, 2mm) were placed into synthetic bone blocks with densities of cancellous bone (GP-20) an...
Key Words: mini dental implants, implant design, orthodontics, primary stability, bone type, implant diameter

Review Paper 31 December 2024

Recent Advances in Microplastics Impacts on Human Health

Seona Yu, Jooyoung Lee, Jeong-Ann Park et al. Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 2024; 39: 97-110
Microplastics(MPs), small plastic particles ubiquitous in the environment, pose emerging concerns for human health due to their ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure routes. This review summarizes current research on the effects of MPs on the human body. Ingested MPs, primarily from contaminated food and water sources, induce gastrointestinal inflammation, oxidative stress, and microbiota alterations, with potential systemic distribution and organ accumulation. Inhalation of airborne MPs ma...
Key Words: microplastic, health, toxicity, human organ, metabolic pathways

December 31, 2024Current Issue Vol. 39 No. 4

    December, 2024 | Volume 39, No. 4
  • Review Paper 2024-12-31

    Recent Advances in Microplastics Impacts on Human Health

    Seona Yu, Jooyoung Lee, Jeong-Ann Park et al.

    Abstract : Microplastics(MPs), small plastic particles ubiquitous in the environment, pose emerging concerns for human health due to their ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure routes. This review summarizes current research on the effects of MPs on the human body. Ingested MPs, primarily from contaminated food and water sources, induce gastrointestinal inflammation, oxidative stress, and microbiota alterations, with potential systemic distribution and organ accumulation. Inhalation of airborne MPs may lead to respiratory inflammation and impaired lung function. Dermal contact with MPs raises concerns about skin absorption and dermatological effects. Understanding microplastic toxicity mechanisms, including their interactions with biological systems and role as carriers for harmful substances, is critical for risk assessment and policy development. Integrating knowledge from environmental science, toxicology, and public health is essential for addressing health risks associated with MPs exposure. Further research is needed to fill knowledge gaps and develop strategies for mitigating microplastic pollution, safeguarding human health, and promoting environmental sustainability.

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  • Review Paper 2024-12-31

    Herceptin and its Biosimilars

    Hyewon Yang and Seong Soo A. An*

    Abstract : Currently, with the advent of protein and cell therapy, new drug drugs are largely divided into synthetic drugs and biopharmaceuticals, and biopharmaceuticals are composed of proteins, cells, or nucleic acids, and are sensitive to minute changes such as temperature, moisture, and vibration in the production and distribution process, so it is important to maintain safety and effectiveness. Biopharmaceuticals have a long period of preclinical, clinical, and approval from the patent application, so the period is short. When the patent expires, a 'biosimilar' manufactured with similar ingredients is released in the market with high competitiveness. This review examines new drugs with trastuzumab (Herceptin) IgG1 antibodies and their biosimilars that have been approved by the FDA, and reports a comparative analysis of the efficacy and safety of these drugs. Herceptin targets the HER2 receptor, which is overexpressed in breast cancer, by Genetech Pharmaceutical Company in the United States, and is an antibody drug used to treat breast and stomach cancer, and it was first approved by the FDA as an original product. Herceptin's five biosimilars are Kanjinti, Ogivri, Herzuma, Ontruzant, and Trazima, and each other pharmaceutical company has been recognized for having similar efficacy and safety to the existing Herceptin. Herceptin and biosimilars can differ in price, manufacturing process, development and approval process. Herceptin and its biosimilars show similar therapeutic effects and safety, which contributes to the commercialization and increased accessibility of biopharmaceuticals. It also increases accessibility at low prices, similar efficacy and safety, and in areas with low supply. For these reasons, it is widely sold worldwide. Although a separate immunoassay is not required in general, it may be necessary to evaluate the immune status according to the underlying disease, immunosuppression status, and previous drug use history of a particular patient. It is important to consult a doctor according to the patient's individual situation to determine the necessary test. Future research on biosimilars needs to focus on evaluating the long-term safety and efficacy of these products.

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  • Research Paper 2024-12-31

    Effect of Light Wavelength on Cell Growth and Carotenoid Production in Freshwater Green Microalga, Tetradesmus reginae

    Sun-Woo Hong, Seong-Joo Hong, Hyeon-jong Ji et al.

    Abstract : This study aimed to examine the effect of light wavelength on cell growth and carotenoid production in the freshwater green microalga Tetradesmus reginae during cultivation in bubble column photobioreactors (multi-cultivators) under different light colors (450 nm, blue; 660 nm, red; and CW5700K, white). The microalga cultured under white light showed the fastest specific cell growth rate (1.19 ± 0.00 /day) and highest fresh cell concentration (9.04 ± 0.01 g/L) on day 6. Next, the microalgal cells were cultivated under white light for 5 days to evaluate the effect of light wavelength on carotenoid production. Furthermore, the culture medium was replaced with an N- and P-depleted medium, and the microalgal cells were subjected to different light spectra to induce carotenoid production. Culture under blue light showed the highest carotenoid concentration (19.40 ± 0.19 mg/L) and the highest carotenoid productivity (2.08 ± 0.06 mg/L/day); however, cell concentration was the lowest (4.12 ± 0.00 mg/g dry cell weight) owing to the high carotenoid content. These results clearly show that effective growth and carotenoid production may be induced in Tetradesmus reginae at an appropriate light intensity and quality parameters. Thus, this study provides a basis for developing a light-supply strategy to increase microalgal biomass and carotenoid productivity.

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  • Research Paper 2024-12-31

    Evaluation of Docking Simulation Platforms for Predicting Incorporation Efficiency of Non-Canonical Amino Acids

    Yeojin Ko, Tae Wan Kim, and Jong-il Choi

    Abstract : This study evaluated the docking simulation platforms for the incorporation of amber-suppression tRNA synthetase and non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs). Recombinant Escherichia coli harboring mutant green fluorescence proteins and orthogonal amber-suppression tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair was cultivated with different ncAAs, and the fluorescence and growth were measured. For molecular docking simulation of synthetase and each ncAA, three different platforms were used and the binding affinity predictions were examined. By comparing simulation results with experimental fluorescence protein expression, the reliability of each platform was assessed. AzF exhibited the highest expression levels and strong binding affinity in simulations, while pFF and pAcF showed lower expression and weaker affinity, demonstrating consistent trends between experimental and simulation results. In contrast, BpF displayed high affinity in simulations but low expression levels, which was attributed to ligand positioning outside the active site, as revealed by structural analysis. Among the tested docking platforms, DiffDock-L and DynamicBind showed better predictive accuracy than Autodock Vina. The results obtained in this study will serve as a valuable resource for the effective design for the biosynthesis of recombinant proteins incorporated with non-canonical amino acids.

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  • Research Paper 2024-12-31

    Production of Agarase Using Yeast Artificial Chromosome and Cellular Physiological Analysis

    Min-Jun Seong and Yeon-Hee Kim

    Abstract : Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) with expression clusters of three genes (AGAH71, AGAG1, and NABH558) responsible for agar degradation were constructed using chromosome manipulation technique. The three agar-degrading genes were stably introduced into chromosome II of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, confirming efficient production and secretion of various agarases. For efficient chromosome manipulation, each splitting fragment (DNA module) was transformed, and yeast chromosome II (825 kb) was successfully split 270 kb-YAC, 38 kb-mini YAC and 524 kb-YAC through two-rounds chromosome splitting, resulting in the construction of the YKY180 strain, which has a total of 18 chromosomes. Splitting efficiency for chromosome manipulation was 27~100% and the expression level of foreign genes on 38 kb-mini YAC and enzyme activity were indistinguishable from those of the host strain. This means that the structural alteration of the chromosome did not affect gene expression level. The 38 kb-mini YAC demonstrated stable mitotic stability for up to 200 generations, and it was capable of producing various metabolites from agar degradation. This suggests that the artificially manipulated mini-YAC could have diverse industrial applications.

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  • Research Paper 2024-12-31

    Factors Affecting the Primary Stability of Abso-Anchor Orthodontic Mini-implants

    Hadeel Al-Ohali, Behdad Bahrani, Tala Maragha et al.

    Abstract : The use of mini implants (MIs) in orthodontic treatment is expanding. However, evidence on the factors contributing to the primary stability (PS) of MIs remains lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of MI diameter, length, and bone type on the MIs’ PS. Methods: One hundred and eight AbsoAnchor MIs, consisting of three lengths (6mm, 8mm, 10mm) and three diameters (1.5 mm, 1.7mm, 2mm) were placed into synthetic bone blocks with densities of cancellous bone (GP-20) and in simulated cortical bone blocks that were sandwiched with 1mm or 2mm polyurethane sheets. The PS of MIs was measured using two stability tests. Results: MIs’ length, diameter, and bone block type resulted in statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences in stability measurements with both Periotest and OsstellTM. The PS MIs placed in sandwiched bone blocks was significantly increased only with an increase in MIs’ diameter (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The PS of MIs is primarily affected by an increase in diameter and the type and density of the contacting bone. The results of this in-vitro study can guide clinicians in selecting optimal MI for available anatomical space and bone type to maximize MIs’ stability.

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Current Issue

December 2024 Volume 39, No.4

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Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal
pISSN 1225-7117 eISSN 2288-8268